Offer Accident Insurance
to Show Your Employees You Have Their Back

Published July 21, 2020
Last updated April 19, 2021
Your employees come to work every day to support you, so you want them to know that when things get tough, you are ready and willing to support them. There are a lot of ways to support your staff including providing a robust benefits package, promoting a healthy work-life balance, providing mentorship, and so much more. These are all programs that take planning and time to be implemented correctly. But one easy way to show your employees you care is to provide more options to purchase voluntary benefits, like supplemental insurance.
Accidents happen
Accidents happen every day to millions of people. In fact, in one year over 35 million people will end up in the emergency room due to an injury.1 When one of your employees has been in an accident, such as a bicycle wreck, falling off a ladder, or being hit by a car, the physical and financial implications can be devastating, affecting daily life on and off of the job.
Being injured is a difficult and painful experience, and on top of the pain, victims of accidents also have to worry about the financial impacts. Even with health insurance coverage, there are always non-covered costs associated with being severely injured. Offering a voluntary benefit solution like accident insurance can offer your employees peace of mind and a way to help with out-of-pocket expenses left over from regular health insurance, including lost income, rent, and food after an accident.
Key stats
Injuries are a leading cause of death for people under the age of 45,2 and every year there are 9,350 ER visits for non-fatal injuries per 100,000 people. For people of all ages, injuries are the 3rd leading cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer.4
Motor vehicle injuries are the leading causes of death by unintentional injury, followed in order from most fatal to least, by these five most common household unintentional injuries in the United States:5
- Poisoning
- Falls
- Choking
- Drowning
- Fire/burns
The four most common non-fatal accidents that sent people to the E.R. in 2019 were:
- Falls
- Being struckby an object
- Overexertion
- Motor vehicule accidents
During summertime more people spend time outside doing what they love, including working on home projects, riding bikes, scooters and motorcycles, hiking, and going on boating and road trips. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, summer road trips mean more accidents.6 All of these activities could result in a more dangerous time of year for Americans.
The average price of accidents in America
The average medical costs for accidents in America can be astounding.7
- Ambulance Ride: $224 to $2,204
- Broken Bone: Without surgery, around $2,500
- Concussion: $18,454
- X-Ray: $250 to $5604
- CT Scan: $270 to $4,800
- MRI: $400 to $3,500
The list goes on.
In addition to the medical costs, some of these injuries may require your employees to miss work at a time when income is needed most.
Accident insurance helps combat these expenses and worries. It provides peace of mind and allows your employees to rest a little easier when worrying about how they would financially survive the strain of being in an accident.
How supplemental accident insurance works
Typically accident insurance is offered to your employees as a voluntary group benefit. It can stand alone, or be grouped with other supplemental insurance like disability and life.
Unlike health insurance, accident insurance is paid directly to the policyholder rather than to the medical provider. That means the money belongs directly to your employee and it’s their choice as to how to spend it.
Employees are able to spend their benefits in order to replace lost income and assist them and their family in maintaining their lifestyle during an otherwise very difficult time.
When offered as an added benefit through an employer, a premium is taken directly from the employee’s paycheck once a month. The premium amount generally remains the same during the length of the policy.
If the policyholder experiences an accident, they will receive a cash benefit.
What are some features of accident insurance?
Typically, supplemental accident insurance has these benefits:
- Coverage begins immediately
- 24/7 protection
- Benefits paid directly to you, not a healthcare provider
- Money can be used for daily living expenses
- Policyholder owns the policy, it stays with them even if they leave the company
- There is no need to go through complicated medical insurance
What types of accidents are covered?
There are all types of mishaps that may be covered under accident insurance. Everyday chores such as cleaning the gutters, fixing the roof, cleaning windows, exercising, and more. Supplemental accident insurance helps cover an assortment of accidents.
Who should consider accident insurance?
Accident insurance is helpful for anyone, but for those who are worried about the increasingly expensive co-pays, premiums, and deductibles that come with accidents, it is an affordable way to supplement and cover additional expenses that health insurance doesn’t cover.
From health expenses to rent and groceries, having a back-up plan to help pay for those expenses can not only save your employees from hardship, but provide peace of mind.
Combined Insurance can help you help your employees
Offering voluntary benefits like accident insurance shows your employees you are concerned about their financial well-being. Work with us, and we will help you communicate the value of the benefits you are offering to your employees. That way, your employees understand what their total compensation is really worth when they take into account added benefits.
As an employer, you want your employees to know that you have their backs. We make it easy, and at no additional cost to you. You get the benefit of working with Combined Insurance account executives who will help your employees every step of the way.
In the insurance business, this is what we call a “win-win.”
Contact us at 1-800-544-9382 to learn more!
Accident policies underwritten by Combined Insurance Company of America (Chicago, IL) in all states, except New York. In New York, Accident policies underwritten by Combined Life Insurance Company of New York (Latham, NY). Combined Insurance Company of America is not licensed and does not solicit business in New York. Exclusions and limitations apply. See policy for complete details.
1. /fastats/emergency-department.html
2. /wisqars/animated-leading-causes.html
3. ypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/injury-prevention/reduce-emergency-department-visits-nonfatal-injuries-ivp-02/
4. https://www.medicalnews #cancer
5. blog/household-accidents/#:~:text= The%20top %20five%20most% 20fatal,drowning%2C %20and%20fires%20 or%20burns
6. /detail/summer-road-trips-mean-more-traffic-deaths
7. https://www.guardiandirect .com/accident-insurance/your-guide-accident-insurance-coverage